September 24th to 26th, 2019
Embassy Suites Mandalay Beach, Oxnard, CA USA
Metacomp is pleased to invite you to the 7th biennial Metacomp Symposium to be held September 24-26, 2019 at the Embassy Suites Mandalay Beach Hotel & Resort in Oxnard, California, USA. As before, we envision this event as a collaborative and stimulating exchange of ideas and information between our researchers, our current customers and future guests, as well as our hardware/software partners.
Meetacomp is organizing the event to be very informative and helpful, emphasizing a strong training component. In addition to customer presentations and product summaries and helpful Metacomp tips, there will be sessions on the second day focusing on frequently asked support questions and “did you know” topics of general interest to all our attendees, presented in a training format. On the third day, we will organize parallel training sessions on various topics of interest to subgroups of participants. Please see a small schedule below. We will also be available to meet with customers “one-on-one” for discussions on customer-specific topics on the third day.
Registration is mandatory to participate in the Symposium. There is no entry fee, but participation is restricted to current and prospective customers and partners. Please let us know of your interest in participating/presenting by sending an email, or filling out the symposium registration form on our website or calling our office.
For more details and to register, visit: Metacomp Symposium / Training
We look forward to meeting you at our Symposium/Training in beautiful Mandalay Beach, Oxnard, California.
Metacomp team
Day 1 Sessions and Day 2 Morning Session:
- Customer / Partner / Metacomp presentations
Day 2 Afternoon Session – Training Topics:
- Mesh CAD for topologies and solutions and more
- Rigid Body Dynamics with Overset Meshes
Day 3 Parallel Sessions – Training Topics:
- Multiphase Modeling
- rotary machines
- Metacomp Portal on Amazon Web Services
- Turbulence Modeling
- Hypersonic and Thermal Non-Equilibrium
- Fluid Structure Interaction
Important dates
August 16: Last day of client summaries for presentations
16 de agosto: último dia de resumos de clientes para apresentações
September 10: symposium registration deadline
Embassy Suites Mandalay Beach, Oxnard, Calif. About 44 miles / 82 km north of Los Angeles International Airport. Here are some highlights to remember so we can ensure a successful stay…
Guests can make reservations online by going to the hotel’s website and using the group code “MTE”
Call to make reservations at +1 (800) 362-2779, using group code “MTE”
The last day for reservations to be made at the group rate is 8/23/19.
See the image gallery