In 2015, ATS4i, with the support of the Brazilian Navy and the CASNAV (Centro de Análises de Sistemas Navais), held a 4-day pre-processing course with MIME and Ennova, processing with CFD++, at USP in São Carlos and post-processing of CFD results with Tecplot 360 EX for students and professors of the Aeronautical Engineering course.
The course was based on the aerodynamic simulation of the Corvette Barroso, to define the landing envelope of a helicopter.
Interested in CFD courses? Consult us !
Participant Group
Results obtained during the Course
Diogo Pio, Maurício Guedes, Ernesto Rademaker, Fernando Catalano
Diogo Pio, Maurício Guedes, Ernesto Rademaker, Fernando Catalano
Cannon Measurements
Corvette Wind Tunnel Model
Participating Students and Organizers
USP-SC Simulation Laboratory
Mesh obtained during the Course
Corvette Wind Tunnel Model
Diogo Pio, Maurício Guedes, Ernesto Rademaker, Fernando Catalano
Measurements at the Landing Place
Mesh obtained during the Course