Want to generate good quality meshes quickly?
If you use CFD++ from Metacomp Technologies, CFX or Fluent from Ansys, OpenFoam from OpenFoam Foundation, SU2 from Stanford or even StarCCM from Siemens, you can now use Ennova to generate your computational meshes.
Computational meshes (“grid” or “mesh”) are important because they define the mathematical domain where the CFD solver will solve the equations. Mesh is still a very manual process, but Ennova makes it easy by automating most of the process. Other advantages of Ennova are the client-server architecture, the ability to mesh in parallel very quickly, and the ability to handle dirty CAD geometries, surface problems, and those that are not fully waterproof, with leaks. Plus the ability to generate beautiful prisms on any surface is amazing. You will solve the boundary layer very simply with Ennova’s prism layers. The primes are generated first and then the tetra or hex mesh.
Ennova is used by companies such as Honda in Japan and the Brazilian Navy.
The company Ennova Technologies was founded by the creators of the Ansys ICEM program. They left Ansys to form a new company and develop great software. It’s the next generation of ICEM for sure. Very technological and that generates beautiful meshes and that has an excellent performance.