The certification of aeronautical systems and an aircraft aims to ensure that the aircraft and its systems, which are highly integrated, fulfill the functions for which they were properly and safely designed.
The technical requirements applicable to an aircraft and its systems are presented in a wide set of technical requirements established by the aeronautical authorities of each country (ANAC-Brasil, FAA-USA among others) or that represent a group of countries, in the case of EASA for countries belonging to the European Union.
This technical requirements base is dynamic and is being revised due to the development of technology, new types of aeronautical products and the need to address the safety of aircraft and systems.
An aircraft and its systems are considered fit for operation when the demonstration of the applicable technical requirements, performed by the entity responsible for the aircraft, are accepted by the aeronautical authority.
Establishing the certification basis, its requirements and respective modes of compliance Demonstration of compliance with requirements through technical project data, analysis (including safety assessment analysis), tests, inspections, simulations and equipment qualification; Issuance of aircraft type certificate.
ATS has a team with successful experience in all phases of the systems certification process. Air Conditioning and Pressurization (ATA 21), Protection against ice and rain (ATA 30) and Pneumatic Systems (ATA 36) from authorities such as ANAC, FAA, EASA, JCAB and Transport Canada.
Such experience has been acquired in successful processes of development and certification of civil and military aircraft that have an admirable track record of operational safety on 5 continents by dozens of operators.
In addition, some of our members have had a long experience as professionals accredited in a project by ANAC to issue technical opinions regarding compliance with certification requirements.
Such results have accredited us to a successful and relevant collaboration for the Embraer E2 certification process in the systems mentioned above, demonstrating requirements through simulations, analysis, preparation of test proposals and evaluation of component qualification documents.
Currently, we are working in Archer's e-VTOL program supporting the development of the system architecture through simulations observing the applicable requirements of its certification base.
Because of this, we are recognized by the certifying authorities as a reliable interlocutor and a great partner to certify your product.
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