CFD Analysis (Multifluid and Multiphase)

Understanding Fluid Behavior through CFD

cfd simulation of a rocket
Aerodynamics Analysis of a Rocket

CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics or Computational Fluid Dynamics is a way of modeling the behavior of fluids. There are several phenomena related to fluid flow such as heat transfer, change of state, compressibility and combustion. CFD is used to represent physical phenomena that occur in nature and to solve engineering problems. In general, the Navier-Stokes equations and the Continuity Equation are solved in the different volume units created to discretize the problem. For problems involving temperature, the First Law of Thermodynamics Equation is also solved. In terms of conservation principles, these are the equations for the conservation of momentum, conservation of mass, and conservation of energy.

CFD for Complex Fluid Interactions

Erosion at Junctions of Oil Pipelines

Our experience in simulation combined with the quality of the CFD++ solver, from Metacomp Technologies, allows us to deal with complex problems involving multifluids, that is, gases or liquids with different properties and even the mixture between gas and liquid. Example: methane, oxygen and air, water and oil. Carbon dioxide and oil. It is also possible to model solid particles dispersed in a gas or fluid for application in analysis of pollutant dispersion or abrasion erosion of oil pipelines. The presence of particles can be resolved in Eulerian mode, which uses a fixed control volume where the particles pass, and Lagrangian mode, which follows the path of each particle in the flow. Problems with Newtonian fluids such as water or air or Non-Newtonian fluids such as blood or petroleum can also be solved.

Multiphase CFD analyzes involve interaction between the different phases of matter being solid, liquid and gas simultaneously. Multiphase analysis can be classified as multifluid by the presence of liquid and gas in the same control volume. Example: leakage of a gas stored at high pressure in the form of a liquid that evaporates and can solidify due to cooling in the expansion.


The CFD++ software used and distributed by ATS is the least dissipative on the market and therefore can more accurately represent phenomena as they occur in nature without the aid of methods numerical with artificial numerical dissipation.

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