Tecplot – Exporting in X3D file format


X3D is an open standard file format for representing and communicating 3D content using XML.

This file type supports vector and bitmap graphics, transparency, lighting effects and animation settings such as rotations, oscillations, appearances and disappearances, in addition to being able to be exported to animations or images in .AVI, .JPG, .BMP, . PNG, .GIF or Adobe Flash.

Striving to become the 3D standard for the web, X3D is designed to be integrated into HTML5 pages or other XML standards such as MathML and SVG.

Always meeting market needs, Tecplot already has the ability to export files to X3D format since version 2008 R1. This function is accessible through the software’s macro language, using the commands described below:


EXPORTNAME = “C:Program FilesTecplotTecplot 360 EX 2018 R1output.x3d”



This simple macro will create the file “output.x3d” in the directory “C:Program FilesTecplotTecplot 360 EX 2018 R1”. You can modify the directory and filename by changing the EXPORTNAME command.

The link below contains the macro described above, ready for download.


You can still download the Tecplot macro language manual through the link below, to help you implement this and many other functions.


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