Webinar on July 25
14:00 – 14:30 BRT
Ask the Expert Webinar:
Tecplot SZL Server for Fast and Secure Remote Data Access

We have heard these common woes from our customers about accessing remote data:
- “I’m tired of waiting for my data to transfer over the network.”
- “My data file is too large to transfer locally.”
- “I want to use the most current version of Tecplot, but the HPC has an older installation.”
Our solution is Tecplot SZL Server – a lightweight data server that you can install under your own user account. Benefits include:
- Fast model manipulation because the rendering is done locally. This means zooming, translating, and rotating are just as fast as if the data had been local.
- Fewer CPU and RAM resources are required because rendering is done locally and not on the server.
- Only the data you need for your current plot is transferred from the remote machine because SZL file format is used.
- Securely transfer data with encryption via the SSH option.
In this Webinar, Tecplot SZL Server developers will be on hand to answer your questions about SZL Server.
I look forward to hearing your questions. See you at the webinar!