“The Icing Engineering Process” – SUNY Korea Lecture


Strengthening the synergy between industry and academia present at ATS and expanding our international reach, our CEO and Aircraft Icing specialist, Guilherme da Silva, delivered the seminar “The Icing Engineering Process” on October 26, 2022, at 06 AM ( Brasilia Time), 6 PM (Korean Standard Time).

The presentation is part of a series of seminars on mechanical engineering held by SUNY University Korea for its undergraduate students. Because of this, the seminar intended to introduce students to the area of ​​the Icing Engineering Process, a critical part of aircraft development and operation. An example of the importance of this area is the accident of Air France Flight 447, caused by ice crystals that obstructed the pitots.

As initial contact with Aircraft Icing, this seminar does not focus on current or future simulation tools but shows Icing Engineering as a whole and integrated subject to aircraft. Due to this approach, the main topics in this area were presented, such as atmospheric conditions, aircraft performance, ice protection systems, and thermal simulation.

Thus, the seminar “The Icing Engineering Process” recording is an excellent material for getting in touch with engineering processes related to aircraft ice formation.

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