In the development of technology for industry there are 3 fundamental types of modeling: analytical, numerical with simulation and experimental. In the state of the art technology, the 3 go together, in order to identify the best way to represent the problem and direct efforts. Over the years, ATS has always sought to act in these 3 fields so that the results presented to customers are of high quality and meet their expectations. For the perfect execution of the experimental analysis, we always make an understanding of the problem, analyze expectations and observe error-prone variables. If possible we model everything analytically and simulate. These results help direct testing and building equipment more efficiently for testing.
ATS has supervised various types of industrial equipment testing in the laboratory and in customer operation. We have internally some equipment necessary to monitor and monitor the tests on customers, when there is a need for other equipment, we have contact with several companies that rent and sell them.
Experience in monitoring, planning and developing tests has been part of the company since its foundation. Always in contact with the IPT-SP and with industries from different sectors, ATS designed several easels for carrying out tests and planned tests for the certification of equipment.
A very important test was a wind tunnel with EESC-USP, together with Prof. Dr. Fernando Catalano, from an outflow on a model corvette ship for the Brazilian Navy. It was part of a work to determine the landing envelope of Lynx helicopters on the Corvette Barroso. ATS also accompanied a PIV test in the DCTA-IAE wind tunnel also for the Brazilian Navy corvette Barroso. In this last test, it was important to observe the formation of vortices on the helicopter takeoff and landing deck.
Another test, was a mixer for Ultragaz, two prototypes and two serial heads were tested for a product that Ultragaz was certifying with the IPT – Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas. Simulations of an analytical model and CFD were implemented, which reduced the number of prototypes and the duration of the tests. These tools were also used to set the project and installation parameters.
In the combustion area, an innovative low NOx emission burner (called Low NOx) was tested in the Vale Vitória pellet furnace. The burner was designed entirely in CFD and only one prototype was made. A measuring rack was also specified and manufactured to adjust and monitor pressure, temperature and flow during the tests. The tests were used to confirm the CFD results obtained during the project.
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