ATS marca presença no USP ASFM Numerical Methods


A ATS patrocina  o evento USP Advanced School of Fluid Mechanics – Numerical Methodos, que é um curso de mecânica dos fluidos avançada, onde os principais especialistas da área no mundo palestram sobre suas linhas de pesquisa em Stanford (EUA), Imperial College (Inglaterra) e CalTech (EUA).

Prof. Juan Alonso, Stanford University, USA – Adjoint Methods and Their Application in Computational Fluid Dynamics

Prof. Spencer Sherwin, Imperial College London, UK – Spectral/hp elements and their application to flow and instability analysis of complex geometry flow

Prof. Tim Colonius, California Institute of Technology, USA – Immersed boundary and interface methods

In this way, ATS reaffirms its commitment as a bridge company between the academic world and the industrial world. We know how to do this. We are hired to work on research projects in the industry, being third parties for projects of companies with FINEP, FAPESP and ANEEL. And projects in academia when financed by companies like Petrobras and Embraer.

Naturally, the event at USP is a showcase for the best software that ATS distributes in Brazil, such as:

Students and teachers are thus exposed to the best that exists in the software market today as a solution to numerical problems in fluid dynamics. During the event, interested colleges and universities will be able to access the academic package for teaching labs for the software mentioned above. UFSM, an aeronautical engineering course, has just selected ATS as its supplier for the brand new state-of-the-art computer lab to teach classes on fluid mechanics. ATS helped prepare the course syllabus and is working on training teachers and students.

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