Tecplot 360 EX 2017 Release 2


Tecplot 360 EX 2017 R2 has just been released with improved performance, usability and reliability. Visit the Tecplot website for a complete list, including recent research demonstrating speed gains and memory usage reduction, for specific cases.

The main evolutions of Release 2 include:

Improved Fluent Loader. Significantly improved performance and reduced memory required for data with shared meshes (non-stationary solutions, cases with same meshes and different conditions).

Expanded coverage of PyTecplot APIs. Coverage now includes tweens, extracting 2D and 3D planes, vectors, streamlines, and more.

Enhanced SZL Server. Supports password and two-stage authentication for SSH connections. Faster processing for data with large amounts of zones.

Integrated Q-Criterion Calculation. Now integrated into the Tecplot 360’s CFD analyzer, this integration speeds up calculation, improves memory usage efficiency and makes it easier to use.

Download Tecplot 360 2017 Release 2 from the customer portal. If you don’t have it yet, apply for a new My Tecplot Account.

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