Araujo Lima da Silva, G., Da Silva Teixeira, J., Camargo Lopes, M. E.  (2024). 3D Icing Code Results. SAE AC-9C Aircraft Icing Technical Commitee. 80th Meeting. Anchorage, AK, USA.

Araujo Lima da Silva, G., de Barros, D.R., Rafael, C.F., Pio, D.M., Hefazi, H., Pimenta, M.d.M. (2023). Numerical Simulation of Coupled Heat and Mass Transfer for Airfoil Ice Protection Systems. In: Habashi, W.G. (eds) Handbook of Numerical Simulation of In-Flight Icing. Springer-Nature, Cham. DOI:

Araujo Lima da Silva, G., de Barros, D.R., Pio, D.M., Rafael, C.F., Stefanini, L.M., Pimenta, M.d.M. (2023). Numerical Simulation of Convective Heat Transfer for In-Flight Icing. In: Habashi, W.G. (eds) Handbook of Numerical Simulation of In-Flight Icing. Springer-Nature, Cham. DOI:

Da Silva, G., Pio, D., Rafael, C., Villela, P. et al., “Impingement Analysis on Nacelle Inlet, Multibody Airfoil, and Swept Tail Cases under SLD Conditions,” SAE Technical Paper 2023-01-1376, 2023, doi:10.4271/2023-01-1376.

Silva, G. A. L., The Icing Engineering Process, Online Mechanical Engineering Seminar Series, Aerospace Department, State University of New York Korea, South Korea, October, 2022, Oral Presentation.

D.M. Pio, C.F. Rafael, P.S.C. Villela, G.A.L. da Silva, M. Ferro, & Guedes, M. J. M. LARGE EDDY SIMULATION OF A LYNX HELICOPTER LANDING IN THE BARROSO CORVETTE SHIP, 33th ICAS Congress 2022, International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden, September, 2022.

Silva, G. A. L., Levando Tecnologia Aeroespacial para a Indústria, PUC Experience 2021, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Brazil, November, 2021, Oral Presentation. Presentation video:

Fuzaro Rafael, C., Mendes Pio, D., P.S.C. Villela, and A. Lima da Silva, G., Installation of an Ice Detector in a Drone, In Meeting 110, October 23th 2019, SAE AC-9C Aircraft Icing Technology Committee, Colorado Springs, USA, SAE Aerospace, 2019, Oral Presentation.

Fuzaro Rafael, C., Mendes Pio, D., P.S.C. Villela, and A. Lima da Silva, G., CFD applied to ECS, In Meeting 110, October 23th 2019, SAE AC9, Colorado Springs, USA, SAE AC-9 Aircraft Environmental System Committee, 2019, Oral Presentation.

Rafael, C. F., da Silva, G. A. L., & Guedes, M. J. M. SHIP-HELICOPTER OPERATIONAL LIMITATION ENVELOPE DEFINITION WITH CFD RESULTS AND WIND TUNNEL DATA, 31th ICAS Congress 2018, International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, September, 2018.

Fuzaro Rafael, C., Mendes Pio, D., P.S.C. Villela, and A. Lima da Silva, G., BLEED SYSTEM STRESS ANALYSIS: AN APPLICATION OF FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS , In Meeting 65, October 17-19 2016, SAE AC-9 Aircraft Environmental System Committee, Minneapolis, USA, SAE Aerospace, 2016, Oral Presentation.

Souza, J.R.B., Lisboa, K.M., Allahyarzadeh, A.B., de Andrade, G.J.A., Loureiro, J.B.R., Naveira-Cotta, C.P., Silva Freire, A.P., Orlande, H.R.B., Silva, G.A.L., Cotta, R.M. THERMAL ANALYSIS OF ANTI-ICING SYSTEMS IN AERONAUTICAL VELOCITY SENSORS AND STRUCTURES, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Special Issue, 35th Anniversary Edition, Invited Paper, 38(5), January 2016

Pestana, R.P., Amorim, J.P., Vazzoler, F.C.C., Silva, G.A.L., Pio, D.M., Rafael, C.R., Influência do arrasto aerodinâmico no consumo de combustível no transporte de minério de ferro. 5 Encontro de Ferrovias ANTF, Vitoria, Outubro 2015. Associação Nacional dos Transportadores Ferroviários.

Fuzaro Rafael, C., Mendes Pio, D., and A. Lima da Silva, G., “CFD and Boundary Layer Models with Laminar-Turbulent Transition around Airfoils and a Rough Cylinder: Results Validation,” SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-2163, 2015, doi:10.4271/2015-01-2163.

Silva, G. A., de Andrade, D., Rafael, C. F., Pio, D. M. Helicopter Blade NACA 8H12 Performance Prediction with Laminar-Turbulent Transition Effects: Integral Boundary-Layer and CFD Results compared with Experimental Data, AIAA SciTech, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA 2015-1234, doi: 2514/6.2015-1234

Fuzaro Rafael, C., Mendes Pio, D., and A. Lima da Silva, G., Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation Tool Applied to Aircraft System Design. An Enginner’s Perspective, In Meeting 61, October 30th 2014, SAE AC-9 Aircraft Environmental System Committee, Boston, MA, SAE Aerospace, 2014, Oral Presentation.

Fuzaro Rafael, C., Mendes Pio, D., and A. Lima da Silva, G., Effects of Transition, Temperature Gradient and Roughness in Flow and Thermal Boundary-Layers Applied to Icing , In Meeting 61, October 28th 2014, SAE AC-9C Aircraft Icing Technology Committee, Boston, MA, SAE Aerospace, 2014, Oral Presentation.

Silva, G. A. L., Sousa, F. D. A., Rittenberg, D., Leveraging High Fidelity Simulation and Design Space Exploration, Tecplot Chorus Webinar, 2013, December, Tecplot Inc., Bellevue, WA, USA..

Silva, G. A. L., Sousa, F. D. A., Rafael, C.F., Athayde, M., Nunes, S., CFD++ Applied to a New Burner Design of a Pelletizing Furnace Combustion Chamber, In Metacomp Users Symposium, Metacomp Technologies, Universal City, 2013, Oral Presentation.

Athayde, M., Nunes, S. F., Silva, G.A.L. , Sousa, F.D.A. and Arima, M.N., NOVEL BURNER DESIGN SUPPORTED BY CFD TO MINIMIZE DEPOSITS INSIDE COMBUSTION CHAMBERS OF SAMARCO PELLETIZING FURNACES, In 6th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking  ICSTI, October, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazilian Association of Metalurgy  ABM, 2012.

Silva, G. A. L., Aplicações do LMS Imagine.Lab: Turbinas para Geração de Potência, ATS4i, São Paulo, 2012, Apresentação Técnica para a Vale VSE.

Silva, G.A.L., Similarity Studies for Air Data Probes New Standard   AS5562. Coupled Heat and Mass Transfer Effects, In Meeting 57, October 8th-10th 2010, SAE AC-9C Aircraft Icing Technology Committee, Portland, OR, SAE Aerospace, 2012, Oral Presentation.

Silva, G. A. L., Arima, M. N., Branco, N. N., Pimenta, M. M., Proposed Wall Function Models for Heat Transfer around a Cylinder with Rough Surface in Cross Flow, In SAE Paper 2011-38-0023, SAE 2011 International Conference on Aircraft and Engine Icing and Ground Deicing, June 13-16, 2011, Chicago, Warrendale, SAE Aerospace, pp. 12, 2011.

Silva, G. A. L. and Arima, M. N., Rough Cylinder in Cross Flow, A new heat transfer option in CFD++, In Metacomp Technologies Symposium 2011, Metacomp Technologies, Long Beach, pp. 24, 2011.

Arima, M. N., Sousa, F. D. A, Silva, G. A. L., Branco, N. N., Spode, C., Leal, E. M., Choze, S. B., Implementation of a Multi Zone Radiation Method in a Low NOx Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber Conceptual Simulator, In ASME Paper GT2011-46380, ASME Turbo Expo, June 6-10, Vancouver, 2011, New York, ASME, pp. 10, 2011.

Silva, G. A. L., Mesh Generation in OpenFoam with SnappyHexMesh An User Experience, LCFT, Aeronautical Technology Institute, LCFT, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP, Brazil, December, 2010, Oral Presentation.

Silva, G. A. L., Air Probes Tests in Icing Tunnels  A heat and mass transfer effects review, AC-9C Aircraft Icing Technology Committee , SAE Aerospace, SAE, Ottawa, Canada, October, 2010, Oral Presentation.

Silva, G. A. L., Certification and Testing of Pitot Probes Ice and Rain Protection Aspects, Workshop on Aviation Safety (WAS), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Mechanical Engineering Department, COPPE, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, June, 2010, Oral presentation.

Silva, G.A.L., Silvares, O.M., Zerbini, E.J.G.J., Hefazi, H., Chen, H.H. and Kaups, K. ,Differential Boundary-Layer Analysis and Runback Water Flow Model Applied to Flow Around Airfoils with Thermal Anti-ice, AIAA Aerospace Sciences and Meeting, Reston, American Insitute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, pp. 1-12, 2009.

Silva, G. A. L., Transferência de calor e massa no escoamento bifísico em torno de aerofólios equipados com sistemas de antigelo aeronáuticos., Ph.D. Thesis, Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2009.

Tobaldini Neto, L., Pimenta, M.M., Silva, G.A.L., Laminar-Turbulent Transition Modeling Strategies for Thermally Protected Airfoils, In Paper no. FEDSM2008-55284, ASME, American Socitey of Mechanical Engineers, pp. 9, 2008, ASME 2008 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting collocated with the Heat Transfer, Energy Sustainability, and 3rd Energy Nanotechnology Conferences (FEDSM2008) , Jacksonville, 2008.

Silva, G. A. L. and Silvares O. M. and Zerbini, E. J. G. J, Aircraft wing electrothermal anti-icing: Heat and mass transfer effects, In Proceedings of Eurotherm, 5th European Thermal-Sciences Conference, Eindhoven, European Committee for the Advancement of Thermal Sciences and Heat Transfer, EUROTHERM, pp. 8, 2008.

Silva, G. A. L. and Silvares O. M. and Zerbini, E. J. G. J, Integral analysis of the convective heat transfer around ice protected airfoils, In Proceedings of CHT-08, ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, Marrakesh, Ankara, International Centre of Heat and Mass Transfer, ICHMT, pp. 21, 2008.

Arima, M. N. and Pimenta, M. M., An Interpretation for Dimensionless Jet Parameters: Three Classics and one New, In AIAA 2008-767, 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reston, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, pp. 20, 2008.

Silva, G. A. L., Silvares, O.M. and Zerbini, E. J. G. J., Boundary-Layers Integral Analysis  Heated Airfoil in Icing Conditions, In AIAA 2008-475, 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reston, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, pp. 10, 2008.

Tobaldini Neto, L., Pimenta, M.M., Silva, G.A.L., Laminar-Turbulent Transition Modeling Strategies for Thermally Protected Airfoils, In Paper no. FEDSM2008-55284, ASME, American Socitey of Mechanical Engineers, pp. 9, 2008, ASME 2008 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting collocated with the Heat Transfer, Energy Sustainability, and 3rd Energy Nanotechnology Conferences (FEDSM2008) , Jacksonville, 2008.

Silva, G. A. L., Silvares, O.M. and Zerbini, E. J. G. J., Boundary-Layers Integral Analysis  Heated Airfoil in Icing Conditions, In AIAA 2008-475, 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reston, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, pp. 10, 2008.

Stefanini, L. M. and Silvares O. M. and Silva, G. A. L. and Zerbini, E. J. G. J,Convective Heat Transfer Effects in Airfoil Icing, In Procedings of COBEM 2007, 19th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Brasilia, Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, 2007.

Domingos, R. H. , Pustelnik, M., Trapp, L. G., Silva, G.A.L., Campo, W. and Santos, L. C. C., Development of an Engine Anti-Ice Protection System using Experimental and Numerical Approaches, In SAE Paer 2007-01-3355, 2007 SAE Aircraft and Engine Icing International Conference, September 2007, Sevilla, Society of Automotive Engineers Aerospace, 2007, Paper Presentation Publicly Available from SAE site.

Silva, G. A. L. and Silvares O. M. and Zerbini, E. J. G. J, Numerical Simulation of Airfoil Thermal Anti-ice Operation. Part 1: Mathematical Modeling, Journal of Aircraft, 44, 2, 2007, Mach-April.

Silva, G. A. L. and Silvares O. M. and Zerbini, E. J. G. J, Numerical Simulation of Airfoil Thermal Anti-ice Operation. Part 2: Implementation and Results, Journal of Aircraft, 44, 2, 2007, Mach-April.

Sousa, F. D. A., Teixeira Jr., R. J., Aguiar, S. S., Three-dimencional coupled simulation of the heat transfer within furnaces and reactor tubes for the thermal cracking of EDC, In Paper CIT06-0324, Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering, ENCIT 2006, Curitiba, Brazil, ABCM, 2006.

Silva G. A. L., Monteiro O. B., Turcio W. H. and Nakashima C. Y., Aircraft Bleed System: Electro-pneumatic Valve Model, In Conference Pressentation, AMESim European Users Conference, March 29-31, Strasbourg, Imagine, 2006, Oral Presentation. Originals slides may be available under request from LMS International.

Silva, G. A. L. and Silvares O. M. and Zerbini, E. J. G. J, Water Film Breakdown and Rivulets Formation Effects on Thermal Anti-ice Operation Simulation, In AIAA Paper 2006-3785, 9th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, San Francisco, Reston, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2006.

Silva, G. A. L. and Silvares O. M. and Zerbini, E. J. G. J, Simulation of an Airfoil Electro-Thermal Anti-Ice System Operating in Running Wet Regime, In AIAA Paper 2005-1374, 41th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Reston, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2005.

Arima, M. N. and Krieger Filho, G. C., CO and CO2 formation in methane difusion flames using Eddy Break Up, Eddy Dissipation and pre-assumed PDF methods, In XVIII Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2004.

Silva, G. A. L. and Barbosa, R. J. and Zerbini, E. J. G. J., Jet fuel vapor ignition within a duct thermal insulation, In SAE paper 2004-01-2574, 34th SAE-ASME-AIChe International Congress on Environmental Systems, Colorado Springs, Warrendale, Society of Automotive Engineers International, 2004.

Arima, M. N. and Farias, L.C. Yokaichyia, N.S., Analisis of the Substitution of coke oven gas for mixed gas in a reheating furnace of the COSIPA hot strip mills, In XXV Seminar of Global Energy balance and Utilities, ABM, Florianópolis, Brazil, 2004

Arima, M. N. and Krieger Filho, G. C., Application of the integral and differential approaches to the analysis of performance of a fired furnace burner, In X Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2004.

Arima, M.N., Application of the Integral and Differential Approaches to the Analysis of Performance of a Fired Furnace Burner, Master Thesis, 2003.

Silva, G. A. L. and Silvares O. M. and Zerbini, E. J. G. J, Airfoil anti-ice system modeling and simulation, In AIAA Paper 2003-734, 43rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Reston, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2003.

Silva, G. A. L. and Silvares O. M., Airfoil anti-ice system thermal simulation, Boletim Técnico (Technical Bulletin), BT/PME, 0207, 2002, pp. 12, Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Silva, G. A. L., Modeling and Simulation of Airfoil Electrothermal Anti-ice System Operation, Master Thesis, Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 2002.

Sousa, F.D.A and Arima, M.N., Simulation of a Copper Refining Furnace Operation Using the Zone Method to Evaluate the Radiative Power Exchanged, In 7 Brazilian Congress of Engineering and Thermal Sciences, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 335 346, 1998.

Arima, M.N., Application of the Zone Method to a Copper Refining Furnace, Senior Project, Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 1998.

Silva, G. A. L. and Martins, M. and Barros, P. S., Numerical code for thermal performance of cryogenic plant equipments, In Proceedings of ABM, 11th Oxygen Consumers and Producers Meeting, Belo Horizonte, Brazilian Association of Metalurgy and Materials (ABM), São Paulo, 1996, (in Portuguese).

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